Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chigger Hill Cottage Hairbow and Hairbow Holder-SO Adorable!

When the package arrived from Chigger Hill Cottage - not even 2 days after she received our shipping address - you would have thought it was birthday time around here. Squeals and shreaks of "A present! Is that for me? What is it what is it?!" before the box was even opened. This is because the package was perfectly wrapped with decorative paper and it looked like a birthday present. Once the paper was ripped away what was inside was even better: a big beautiful bow and an adorable bow holder to hang on the wall. This was the perfect gift because we've only recently started wearing -on a daily basis- hair bows and hair clips around here and there was a great need for somewhere to store the pretty little accessories. With the long, hanging braids on the bow holder, we not only get to store the bows but we also get to show them off!
It is rare to find a bow that is both cute and well made that will stay in fine hair. As you may have read in previous posts, this family is full of darlings with stringy, fine hair. Amazingly, this hair bow was not only beautiful, it was also one of the best bows we've ever owned. It is both fantastically well made AND it stays put! That is an amazing accomplishment for any hair accessory when it comes to this family.
This bow and bow hanger was the result of a free giveaway from Chigger Hill but I can safely say that we will be purchasing more items from this lovely shop. The bows, dresses and other outfits are fantastic and we can't wait to see and own more!